We offer more than 20 programs in the Cranbrook and East Kootenay region for prenatal, infants, children, adults and seniors.
- Bellies to Babies
- Better at Home
- Canadian Action Plan for Children (CAPC)
- Cranbrook Food Recovery
- Cranbrook Public Produce Garden
- Cranbrook Women’s Resource Centre (WRC)
- Community Connector
- Early Years
- East Kootenay Supported Child Development (EKSCD)
- East Kootenay Infant Development Program (EKIDP)
- Family Law Advocate
- Family Resource Program
- Farm Kitchen
- Homeless Outreach and Homelessness Prevention
- Just 4 Kids Afterschool Care
- Legal Aid BC Community Partner Program/Justice Navigator
- Life Balance Health & Fitness
- Parenting Programs (Nobody’s Perfect and Circle of Security)
- Poverty Law Advocate
- Southeast Kootenay Child Care Resource and Referral (SKCCRR)
- Step Beyond Shelter
- Supported Housing @ Cozy Bear
- Urban Farm